Paragraf – more than accounting


In 2010 we joined the international network of accounting, auditing and tax advisory firms MGI Worldwide. Together with our colleagues we have participated in numerous professional conferences, building international contacts and opportunities.

 •  In 102 countries
•  455 offices
•  251 member companies
•  9485 experts
•  75 years of experience


The MGI Worldwide is one of the TOP20 audit networks in the world, according to a 2020 survey. Its member firms are the leading players in the audit, accounting and tax advisory in their countries.

As a client of MGI, you have access to the following international services:

  • Instant access to financial information in almost any country
  • Discover business opportunities and build strategic alliances through a global presence
  • international expertise in company formation
  • in-depth knowledge of international business practices, accounting and taxation
MGI quality assurance system

MGI Worldwide’s Quality Assurance System, the MGI Network Quality System, is primarily designed to assure and verify that individual members comply with MGI Worldwide’s quality guidelines.

To monitor this, the organization has introduced the MGI Worldwide Quality Review, a comprehensive, detailed and independent audit process covering all business processes.

The comprehensive quality review covers the following areas:

  • compliance with the requirements of the external regulatory environment
  • internal organizational culture, structure and governance quality and efficiency of services provided to clients
  • client intake and acquisition process
  • knowledge of the code of ethics
  • documentation of professional materials
  • human resources management
  • search and selection process
  • professional and other training
  • complaints handling and professional indemnity insurance
  • data protection and IT specificities
  • internal quality system and policies

The MGI Quality Review process ensures independence and the development of appropriately detailed, member-specific audit plans through the involvement of SWAT UK, an internationally recognised consultancy.

Accordingly, in spring 2021, Paragraf Accounting was successfully audited as part of the MGI Quality Review.

    MGI Worldwide is a leading international network of separate and independent accounting, legal and consulting firms that are licensed to use “MGI” or “member of MGI Worldwide” in connection with the provision of professional services to their clients. MGI Worldwide is the brand name referring to a group of members of MGI Ltd., a company limited by guarantee and registered in the Isle of Man with registration number 013238V, who choose to associate as a network as defined in IESBA and EU rules. MGI Worldwide itself is a non-practising entity and does not provide professional services to clients. Services are provided by the member firms of MGI Worldwide. MGI Worldwide and its member firms are not agents of, and do not obligate, one another and are not liable for one another’s acts or omissions.


     +421 35 772 12 71
     +421 918 488 864




    Špitálska 2905, Komárno
    945 01, Slovakia