Accounting services

We offer our accounting services to companies that need value-added services in the form of comprehensive tax and accounting advice and support, in addition to the accounting processing of supporting documents, with a focus on legal tax optimization opportunities.

Tax advice

Our international tax advisory services include a one-to-one discussion with our tax experts and tax advisors, who are experienced in Hungarian and Slovakian accounting and well versed in international tax solutions, in Hungarian, Slovakian, English and German.


At our firm, we always think of payroll as a separate area of expertise. For us, an up-to-date knowledge of the special needs areas, social security administration and related legislation within the framework of a comprehensive payroll service is a basic requirement. This is how we can guarantee our clients’ managers and employees an internationally recognised service.

Company formation

Over the years we have managed more than 450 company formations, transformations and acquisitions in Slovakia, ranging from the smallest limited partnership to the Slovak branch of a large multinational company. In addition to our clients with interests in Hungary and Slovakia, many investors from Western and Northern Europe have entrusted us with the establishment of their Slovak companies. The quality of our work and our global network of contacts during the incorporation and modification of Slovak companies is guaranteed by our MGI membership.


Paragraf Tax Advisory and Accountancy Office was founded more than 15 years ago by Slovak and Hungarian accounting professionals with the mission to create a unique tax advisory office near the border, where Slovak and Hungarian accountants and tax experts are at the disposal of their clients in one place, connecting the tax systems of both countries. Our team of 25 professionals works every day to ensure that our clients are satisfied and their businesses’ finances are secure. And we work to create an environment for our staff where they can work together in a happy, balanced community.


Paragraf Tax Advisory and Accountancy Office was founded more than 15 years ago by Slovak and Hungarian accounting professionals with the mission to create a unique tax advisory office near the border, where Slovak and Hungarian accountants and tax experts are at the disposal of their clients in one place, connecting the tax systems of both countries. Our team of 25 professionals works every day to ensure that our clients are satisfied and their businesses’ finances are secure. And we work to create an environment for our staff where they can work together in a happy, balanced community.


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It was our great pleasure to host the students of the Healthcare Management program from Semmelweis University in our office! 🙌✨

Supporting and inspiring the next generation is incredibly important to us, as they will be the ones shaping the future with new ideas, fresh perspectives, and dedication. 🌿💼

During their visit, the students got a glimpse into the fundamentals of Hungarian and Slovak accounting, as well as an insight into the life of an accountant. Our colleagues, introduced them to how the Slovak healthcare system operates.Thank you for your visit, and we wish you all the best in making your dreams come true! 💪👩‍🎓👨‍🎓

#paragraf #SemmelweisUniversity #future

Nagy örömünkre szolgált, hogy irodánk vendégül láthatta a Semmelweis Egyetem egészségügyi menedzser szakos hallgatóit! 🙌✨

A jövő generációjának támogatása és inspirálása kiemelten fontos számunkra, hiszen ők lesznek azok, akik új ötletekkel, friss szemlélettel és elhivatottsággal formálják majd a jövőt. 🌿💼

A látogatásuk során a diákok bepillantást nyerhettek a magyar és szlovák könyvelés alapvető rejtelmeibe, valamint megmutattuk nekik azt is, hogy hogyan néz ki a könyvelők élete. Munkatársaink bemutatták nekik, hogyan és miként is működik a szlovák egészségügyi rendszer. Köszönjük a látogatásukat és kívánjuk, hogy minden álmotok váljon valóra! 💪👩‍🎓👨‍🎓

#paragraf #SemmelweisUniversity #future
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It was our great pleasure to host the students of the Healthcare Management program from Semmelweis University in our office! 🙌✨

Supporting and inspiring the next generation is incredibly important to us, as they will be the ones shaping the future with new ideas, fresh perspectives, and dedication. 🌿💼

During their visit, the students got a glimpse into the fundamentals of Hungarian and Slovak accounting, as well as an insight into the life of an accountant. Our colleagues, introduced them to how the Slovak healthcare system operates.Thank you for your visit, and we wish you all the best in making your dreams come true! 💪👩‍🎓👨‍🎓

#Paragraf #SemmelweisUniversity #Future

Nagy örömünkre szolgált, hogy irodánk vendégül láthatta a Semmelweis Egyetem egészségügyi menedzser szakos hallgatóit! 🙌✨

A jövő generációjának támogatása és inspirálása kiemelten fontos számunkra, hiszen ők lesznek azok, akik új ötletekkel, friss szemlélettel és elhivatottsággal formálják majd a jövőt. 🌿💼

A látogatásuk során a diákok bepillantást nyerhettek a magyar és szlovák könyvelés alapvető rejtelmeibe, valamint megmutattuk nekik azt is, hogy hogyan néz ki a könyvelők élete. Munkatársaink bemutatták nekik, hogyan és miként is működik a szlovák egészségügyi rendszer. Köszönjük a látogatásukat és kívánjuk, hogy minden álmotok váljon valóra! 💪👩‍🎓👨‍🎓

#Paragraf #SemmelweisUniversity #FutureImage attachment

🇬🇧We were delighted to welcome Zoltán Paksy, MGI Europe Regional Director, to our office recently. 🥳😊Zoltán was pleased to share with our colleagues the advantages and opportunities that come with being a member of MGI Worldwide. We have access to numerous training sessions, webinars, and conferences to support both our professional and personal growth.The visit concluded with a fantastic team lunch, as we believe in taking care of our well-being alongside our work. 😁Thank you, Zoltán, for visiting us – we are grateful to be members of MGI and look forward to seeing you again soon! 😊

#mgieurope #paragrafslovakia

🇭🇺Nagy örömünkre szolgált, hogy Paksy Zoltán, az MGI Europe Regionális Igazgatója a napokban meglátogatta irodánkat. 🥳😊Zoltán boldogan osztotta meg kollégáinkkal, hogy milyen előnyökkel és lehetőségekkel jár az MGI Worldwide tagjának lenni. Számtalan képzés, webináriumok és konferenciák közül válogathatunk szakmai és emberi fejlődésünk érdekében. A találkozót egy remekül sikerült közös ebéddel zártuk le, hogy a munka mellett a jólétünkről se feledkezzünk meg. 😁Köszönjük, Zoltán, hogy meglátogattál bennünket – hálásak vagyunk, hogy az MGI tagjai lehetünk, s bízunk benne, hogy mihamarabb újra találkozunk! 😊

#mgieurope #paragrafslovakia
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Szlovákiában 2025-től módosul a társasági adó mértéke.Milyen változások várhatók, és mikortól lesznek érvényesek az új adókulcsok?Tekintse meg képes összefoglalónkat, amely részletesen válaszol ezekre a kérdésekre.

#paragrafslovakia #changes #incometax
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Szlovákiában 2025-től módosul a társasági adó mértéke.Milyen változások várhatók, és mikortól lesznek érvényesek az új adókulcsok?Tekintse meg képes összefoglalónkat, amely részletesen válaszol ezekre a kérdésekre.

#Paragrafslovakia #Changes #IncometaxImage attachmentImage attachment


In 2010, we were accepted into the MGI international network following a successful quality audit. MGI is a network of independent auditors, accounting service providers and consultants. With 260 offices in 81 countries worldwide and 70 years of experience, MGI has supported the growth of thousands of companies.


“Paragraf s.r.o. has accompanied the development of our company since its foundation and has strengthened the quality of services and perfect cooperation. It provides services with great expertise, flexibility and excellent quality. We can always count on Paragraf, both for current accounting, payroll and tax processing, but also as an indispensable partner in solving more complicated accounting or tax matters, as well as in developing internal processes.”

/Nano Energies Slovensko/

“We have been working together for several years and value professionalism, expertise and a customer-friendly approach.”

/Assessment Systems/

“We have found that both in the case of banking and notary matters, they prepare everything way before the deadline, and they personally participate in all discussions with us. In this way, we were able to manage our affairs smoothly, even during the COVID period, despite the restrictions, we run successful campaigns.”

/OT  Industries/

“One of the keys to long-term successful cooperation is the partnership. Paragraf s.r.o. is a reliable partner of the Hídepítő group on the Slovak market. They continuously and successfully supports our company group in the fields of international accounting, finance and taxation with both its professional preparation and flexibility in the fast-changing construction industry environment.”



Central Office:

Hungarian branch:

Contact details:

Accounting in Slovakia:
+421 35 772 12 71

Accounting Hungary:
+36 30 443 21 94

MGI Worldwide is a leading international network of separate and independent accounting, legal and consulting firms that are licensed to use “MGI” or “member of MGI Worldwide” in connection with the provision of professional services to their clients. MGI Worldwide is the brand name referring to a group of members of MGI Ltd., a company limited by guarantee and registered in the Isle of Man with registration number 013238V, who choose to associate as a network as defined in IESBA and EU rules. MGI Worldwide itself is a non-practising entity and does not provide professional services to clients. Services are provided by the member firms of MGI Worldwide. MGI Worldwide and its member firms are not agents of, and do not obligate, one another and are not liable for one another’s acts or omissions.